
Natural Defenses Stay healthy with these top immune-boosting foods.

By Liz Applegate Ph.D. Image by Katy Lemay From the March 2009 issue of Runner's World



Eat: Onion What For: This versatile veggie is high in quercetin[洋蔥含有的槲黃素(Quercetin)能抗發炎、抗過敏 槲黃素是很強的抗氧化物,抗氧化力是維他命E 的50倍,維他命C的20倍,其分子結構小,為水溶性,容易被人體吸收], a powerful antioxidant known for its antiviral properties. In studies with runners and other athletes, scientists from Appalachian State in North Carolina have shown that daily doses of quercetin can reduce viral infections as well as inflammatory response to heavy exercise.

Drink: Green Tea What For: EGCG[EGCG中文名稱為表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯,是綠茶中最有效的活性物質,具有強烈的抗氧化活性,可以降低膽固醇含量,在降血脂、抗衰老、通便排毒、抗腫瘤和心腦血管疾病等方面有著重要作用
], abundant in green tea, is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in plants. This compound protects a variety of cells from being weakened and shields them from potential harm caused by not–so–nice invaders. 

Eat: Turmeric What For: Often used in Indian cuisine, this spice gives curries and other dishes a golden color. It's also commonly used in Chinese medicine. Curcumin, the antioxidant in turmeric that gives it its rich hue, can help your immune cells bounce back faster after you get sick.  [我愛咖哩]

Eat: Oysters What For: Oysters are packed with zinc[鋅是人體多種酵素的重要成分,而這些酵素又跟蛋白質合成、免疫系統和醣類代謝有關。], providing 700 percent of your Daily Value in just three ounces. This mineral is vital for T cells, white blood cells that help tailor the body's response to specific pathogens. Some studies show that poor zinc intake suppresses your immune–fighting response to cold and flu viruses.

Eat: Butternut Squash[胡桃南瓜(Butternut squash)富含β-葫蘿蔔素,每1杯的南瓜就可滿足每天96%的β-葫蘿蔔素建 議攝入量。β-葫蘿蔔素在人體內被 轉化成生命必需的維生素A。] What For: Brightly colored butternut squash is packed with beta–carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. This vitamin maintains the body's protective layers, including skin and sinus passages. Without ample A, skin develops cracks and sinuses dry, allowing viruses and bacteria direct entry into your body.

Drink: Kefir What For: Kefir[Kefir是一種發酵乳,是發祥於世界第一長壽地區的高加索。發酵乳的成分中含有維生素A、B2、B12、C乳酸鈣、泛酸、葉酸、核酸、胺基酸、各種遊離脂肪酸及其它微量元素。] is teeming with up to five times the probiotics (healthy, live bacteria) of yogurt, and can defend your intestinal tract against pathogens. In a recent study, runners who consumed a daily probiotic such as kefir had fewer GI ailments during three months of marathon training than those who took a placebo.


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