Exercise 'must be tough to work'
To be healthy, you really do need to break into a sweat when you exercise, say experts.

American College of Sports Medicine members are concerned official advice to do 30 minutes of gentle exercise each day is being misconstrued.


Jogging counts as vigorous activity

Some may take this to include a mere stroll to the car, Circulation reports.

People should do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week, or 20 minutes of vigorous exercise, like jogging, three days a week, they say.

There is confusion about what is the ideal amount and intensity of exercise to improve health.

All agree that regular exercise is essential. The World Health Organization has said 30 minutes of gentle exercise each day could be enough to sustain a minimum level of fitness.


Recently, researchers at Queen's University, Belfast, found walking for half an hour on just three days a week gave similar fitness and blood pressure benefits to walking for 30 minutes five times a week.

The sports scientists, however, say this advice is misleading and could encourage people to do too little exercise.

"There are people who have not accepted, and others who have misinterpreted, the original recommendation.

"Some people continue to believe that only vigorous intensity activity will improve health while others believe that the light activities of their daily lives are sufficient to promote health," they told Circulation.

The authors include several experts who are on a high-level committee in the US which next year will announce America's new physical activity guidelines.

Their original recommendations in 1995 were quickly adopted by the WHO and by the UK government in 1996.

They now stress that adults need to top up their routine activities, such as casual walking and housework, with structured exercise.

This should include vigorous (jogging) and moderate aerobic exercise (a brisk walk), as well as twice-weekly activities, such as weight training, which maintain or increase muscular strength and endurance.

People can do short bouts of exercise to count towards their weekly goals, but these must last for at least 10 minutes.

They say that even more exercise than this may have further benefits. However, research has also shown that too much exercise can be damaging to the body.

Indeed, the sports scientists say that some people - including pregnant women and those aged 65 or older - might be advised to do slightly less exercise and modify the type of activities they do.

Professor Paul Gately, professor of exercise and obesity at Leeds Metropolitan University, told The Guardian that it was difficult to give "one-size-fits-all" advice.

"People who are very overweight would have to do an hour of exercise a day just to maintain their weight if they aren't going to change their diets," he said.

Dr David Haslam, of the National Obesity Forum, questioned whether it was realistic to expect people to do two weight training sessions each week.

"I'd rather see healthy habits built into daily life - gyms aren't a sustainable habit for all," he said.

A spokesman for the Department of Health said it was watching the developments but added there were no plans to change current advice.


30 mins of moderate exercise on five days of the week

or20 mins of vigorous exercise on three days of the week

orA combination of the moderate and vigorous exercise goals

plusTwo weekly sessions of activity (weight training) to maintain muscle strength

Source: American College of Sports Medicine

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Live strong~

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鬧鐘調到五點,音樂響起,呼,裹著棉被把暖氣打開,等等再起身,害怕自己又再度睡著,只好一直睜著眼睛,等到房間稍稍暖和,我才有辦法套上那冰冷的衣服! 馬達不知道跑到哪裡了?心中突然一陣竊喜,不須如此早出門,但又發現天其實已經很亮了,又開始擔心起該不會又要很熱了吧~

電話響起,馬達說他要來跟我會合,等到快六點半,糟糕快遲到了,先打電話通知已從社子島出發的Hill先生,可能會晚點到,真是非常的抱歉,第一次約跑,就遲到,這傳出去社長應該會成為笑柄。凡事起頭難,到了現場,路人甲叫我往社子島方向前進,但我總覺得不太對勁,這樣又過了大概半小時,大家還沒碰到,終於有個顯著的地標了,馬場町。終於,三位勁裝出現的敵友又來啦!遇見就是愛跑隊的一位明明住中和卻硬生生的要去社子島出發的慈濟師兄跟學弟! 以往都是邊跑聽著音樂,這回改成邊跑邊聊天,大家跑步都習慣聊天嗎?難怪你們肺活量那麼好~~豈有此理! 後來遇見乃哥,打聲招呼,他跟慈濟師兄就開始表演起相談甚歡的場面了!我想是人都要經歷疑惑的過程。





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  • Nov 30 Sun 2008 20:46
  • Miao~~

今早起得很早,因為要晨跑的關係。鬧鐘響後,突然想到對唷,喵咪在幹嘛?晚上完全沒有喵喵叫。先看到Lyaylya躲在佛桌底下,Pretty找到一個很舒服又溫暖的地方,儲藏室的籃子裡,smart you。我開始刷牙洗臉,Pretty小姐跟進跟出, 企圖想要喝馬桶的水,葛雷先生以前都讓他在馬桶喝水嗎?為什麼會有這種脫序的行徑!

跑完步後,馬達也來看喵咪,我們倆在沙發上互傳喵咪照片,整個很詭異,馬達說得很對!我們什麼時候變成愛貓人士?我想這就是所謂的真。情。流。露。吧! 太好笑啦!



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本週有異軍突起,噹噹,Daniel Li在跌破大家眼鏡下,完成5k。社員Yao,號稱自己拋磚引玉,率先完成5K,因此D社員受到刺激不甘示弱,隔天立刻還以顏色。其實你們的老闆J早就默默地在為ING暖身啦,每次我去健身房都有偷瞄一下Alchip記名簿。他才是本週最有價值跑者~5k對於一名新秀,都是一個了不起的milestone! 好吧,容你們休息一天。


目前張X承還在走路,今日跑來報告說進步到跑五分鐘,被咆嘯後,識相的快速離開mkt dept。再這樣下去,下次那個X就直接寫出來啦!快點pick up,馬糞!


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  ING台北馬拉松 人數創新高

中時 更新日期:2008/11/28 04:34 黃邱倫






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賀費大師當上53rd IBM EWC president!!!!!!!!!可敬~~~~



從上週日下午在Lisa家的預演,以及各種耳語,費大師的壓力可想而知,不過費憑著正義感的個人特質加上在政治系的幾年洗禮,選舉這檔事,也司空見慣。雖然我更預見當上總裁後,才是真正挑戰的開始,但對於費大師準備政見的過程,i gave my thumb up!

人生有一次能當上總裁或總統的機會,應該就可以算是有才幹的人吧!雖然每個人追求的東西不一樣,但是要為組織服務,沒有幾把刷子,肯定很快就會被輿論擊垮! 晚上的慶功見識到IBM同仁的詼諧,根本每個都是諧星底子。

費,今晚應該是你卸任以前最好睡的一夜吧! 加油!




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昨日Y社員相當積極的邀約社長陪跑,但仍在虛中,只能婉拒,真是非常抱歉!值得高興的是社員還是一人獨自到本公司健身房跑了5K,以你為榮啦!very aggressive~初次訓練,就用11km/hr!ING要破55分鐘沒有問題的!太有潛力啦!

休息了兩天,想起作家說的,跑者最好不要中斷練習超過連續兩天以上。終於在今天重新站上我熟悉的跑步機。記取full speed的教訓後,我認命地做了15分鐘暖身跑,之後把速度提到10.5/km,這時心跳維持在170-174/hr,老實說,這對一個長跑者來說,這樣的心跳相當不妙且很快就可把肝醣消耗殆盡,但平常心跳就超高的我,看到這個數字其實偷偷歡喜了一下,比以往同等速度心跳小降了一些。整個開心起來!於是,本只想去跑恢復,但看到心跳如此合作,於是我忍不住把速度調到11km/hr,試著把步伐拉大,當下決定,今天就當成ING熱身賽9K吧!




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Run for Your Lives

Bob Daemmrich / Photoedit

We know we won't live forever. But as long as we are of sound mind and body, most of us would like to stick around for as long as we can. I recently spent an hour on livingto100.com figuring out my life expectancy. While I was sure it would be at least 100, this crystal-ball calculator predicted that at 81, my body would finally fail me. It turns out that every choice we make affects our projected expiration date. Cheat on your diet, and you subtract precious time. But more and more evidence shows that simple tasks like exercising may not only add years to your life but also delay the onset of disabilities in your golden years.

Case in point: Stanford University researchers began studying 538 middle-aged runners back in the 1980s during the height of America's jogging craze. At the time, critics were convinced that runners would suffer serious injuries and predicted an epidemic of knee replacements. But 21 years of research show quite the opposite is true. Data from the Stanford study, which was recently published in two peer-reviewed journals, show that the runners did not have higher rates of osteoarthritis and total knee replacements. And the onset of disabilities appeared 12 to 16 years later in the runners' group vs. the nonrunners'. That's huge; imagine living independently or delaying the use of a cane for an extra decade or more. There were also half as many deaths in the runners' group than in the nonrunners' during the study.

"The longevity effect was big. It surprised us," says Dr. James Fries, co-author of the Stanford study. "But the even bigger difference was morbidity rate — your overall quality of life." Running and other weight-bearing exercises like vigorous walking and using an elliptical machine work to strengthen your bones, tendons and muscles. They also help you reduce your risk of America's biggest killer, heart disease.

The best way to start an exercise regimen is to come up with a goal — such as losing 10 lb., running a half marathon or getting off those blood-pressure meds. Then talk to your doctor to determine your health restraints and map out a plan to achieve your goal. Avoid injuries by investing in a good pair of shoes and by stretching. This may surprise you, but the best time to stretch is after you run, ideally for 15 to 20 min. Muscles respond better to stretching when they're warmed up. Naturally, you'll be sore after beginning an exercise program, but check with a doctor if the pain you experience lasts more than a week. "Studies show running itself isn't bad on the joints," says Dr. Amadeus Mason, an orthopedist at Emory University's Sports Medicine Center. "The issue is if you get an injury and keep running on it."

So don't be afraid to get moving. Just 30 min. of daily exercise will not only add to your quality of life but also prevent diseases and help you live longer — maybe even to 100.

— With reporting by Danielle Dellorto / Atlanta

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