
這天 會一直讓我想到那段戴圍巾+手套+帽子在街上遊走的日子,好冷是嘴裡的喃喃,無法控制,一進入室內,暖氣馬上又讓人暖烘烘。很愛冬天,總覺得人看起來都好好的。

看了一部跟食物有關的德國片,但其實很西班牙 (男主角一眼看就是個西班牙人) 又很法國 (他戲裡的原生家庭在法國) 的感覺,因為是一個充滿多國語言的影片,故事在瑞士及德國遊走著,喜歡講話煙從嘴裡吐出來的樣子。


歌詞唱到 today was a  pretty day. no disappointments,跟女主角未婚懷孕從醫院裡逃走的情境有些反差,但新生命總是美好的,輕快的旋律,窗外蕭瑟的景色,但還是溫暖。或如歌名 <strange things will always happen.> I am ready, winter.


Today was a pretty day
No disappointments
No expectations on your whereabouts
And oh, did I let you go?
Did it finally show that strange things will happen if you let

Today I didn't even try to hide
I'll stay here and never push things to the side
You can't reach me cause I'm way beyond you today

Today was a pretty day
Autumn comes with
These slight surprises where your life might twist and turn
Hope to unlearn
Strange things will happen
If you let them come around and stick around

Today I didn't even try to hide
I'll stay here and never push things to the side
Today I didn't even look to find
Something to put me in that peace of mind
You can't touch me cause I'm way beyond you today

    #the radio dept #瑞典 北歐

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