
文章來源:跑者世界   譯者:李瑞純 Steffi Lee





Most runners know they should eat pasta, rice, potatoes, or other high-carb foods before a half or full marathon. After all, carbs are a great source of energy, and you need a lot of energy to cover 13.1 or 26.2 miles. But many runners are far less clear on how many carbohydrates they should eat and when to start loading up.When I go to marathon expos, Im amazed how many people havent carbo-loaded properly, says Monique Ryan, R.D., author of Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes.Runners train so hard and then arrive with a huge handicap.


碳水化合物 科學



Carb Science

When you eat a bowl of spaghetti, most of the carbs are stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver. Glycogen is your bodys most easily accessible form of energy, but its not the only source, Ryan says. During a half or full marathon you burn both glycogen and fat. But the latter is not as efficient, which means your body has to work harder to convert it into fuel.

When you run out of glycogen during a race you hit the wall. Your body has to slow down as it turns fat into energy. Benjamin Rapoport, M.D., Ph.D., a 2:55 marathoner, is intimately acquainted with the wallhe hit it so hard at the 2005 New York City Marathon he decided to study how to avoid it in the future.

Proper carbo-loadingor filling your muscles to the brim with glycogenwont make you faster, but it will allow you to run your best, and, if you race smartly, avoid the wall, he says.



什麼樣的碳水化合物你應該攝取? 班哲明說:我是個非常注重效益的人。 我三餐都吃米飯,但是跑者不應該如此受限自己。玉米片、燕麥、麵包、煎餅、鬆餅、貝果、優格和果汁這些都是易於消化的食物選擇。



Choose Wisely

Which carbs should you load up on? I'm very utilitarian, Rapoport says. I eat rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But runners dont need to be so restrictive. Tortillas, oatmeal, bread, pancakes, waffles, bagels, yogurt, and juice are all easy-to-digest options.

Many fruits are high in carbs but are also high in fiberand too much can cause stomach trouble midrace. Bananas are a low-fiber choice, says sports nutritionist Ilana Katz, R.D. And you can peel apples, peaches, and pears to reduce their fiber content. She also gives her clients permission to indulge in white bread and baked potatoes without the skin since both are easily digested.

Ryan suggests steering clear of high-fat foodssuch as creamy sauces, cheese, butter, and oilsas well as too much protein. Both nutrients fill you up faster than carbs and take longer to digest, she says. Pick jam instead of butter for your toast, tomato sauce instead of alfredo sauce on your pasta, and frozen yogurt instead of ice cream for dessert.




在班哲明的研究過程中,他設計了一套公式計算(formula ),這些公式的變數包含:年紀、安靜心跳、最大攝氧量以及完成時間。需要謹記在心的是,你可能不會攝取很多的卡路里比起你在訓練期的時候。重點在於那些多出來的卡路里必須是碳水化合物。

How Much Should You Eat?

You cant completely fill your muscles with glycogen from just one meal, which is why you should start carbo-loading two or three days before your race, Ryan says. Since youre running very few miles, the glycogen will accumulate in your muscles. At this point, 85 to 95 percent of your calories should come from carbs, Katz says. Ryan recommends eating about four grams of carbs for every pound of body weight. For example, a 150-pound runner should consume 600 gramsor 2,400 caloriesof carbs per day.

During his research, Rapoport developed an even more precise formula that factors in variables including age, resting heart rate, VO2 max, and predicted finishing time. Its important to keep in mind that youre most likely not eating many more calories per day than you were during the thick of your trainingits just that more of those calories are coming from carbs.



If you step on the scale while youre carbo-loading, be prepared to see a number thats at least four pounds more than your usual weight. The extra pounds mean you get a gold star for carbo-loading properly. With every gram of stored carbohydrate, you store an extra three grams of water, Katz says. That means your body will be hydrated and fueled as you start the race, ensuring you cross the finish feeling strong.




Breakfast 早餐

  • 個貝果 2 湯匙的草莓果醬(71 g)
  • 1 根香蕉(27 g)
  • 227 克水果優格 (41 g)
  • 227克 柳橙汁 (26 g)


Morning Snack 早餐的點心

Lunch 午餐

  • 1 顆大的烤馬鈴薯  1/4 杯的 莎莎醬 (69 g)
  • 1 條酸麵包捲 (40 g)
  • 227克的巧克力牛奶 (26 g)
  • 1 片大的燕麥餅乾 (56 g)

Afternoon Snack 午餐點心

  • 1  營養棒 Clif Bar  Clif 為運動能量棒品牌)(42 g)
  • 227 運動飲料 Gatorade ( 為運動飲料品牌bcaa) (14 g)


Dinner 晚餐

  • 1 條肌肉墨西哥卷包米飯、玉米莎莎醬、黑豆  (105 g)
  • 1 57克包裝的小魚軟糖 Swedish Fish (51 g)

總共碳水化合物攝取量 : 611 g 





賽事六週前: 練習碳水化合物量的攝取
在長跑的2-3天前吃大量的碳水化合物、減少脂肪及蛋白質的攝取。 Katz 說:你將會知道你的腸胃可以適應到多少程度的碳水化合物


比賽一週前: 做一項計畫
Ryan 提到:“這項計畫特別重要,尤其你的賽事不是在本地”  打包運動營養棒、蝴蝶餅乾,並且提早預定好當地餐廳。


賽事2-3天前: 飲食調整為以碳水化合物為主
從現在到你賽事當天, 85 %- 95%  的飲食必須要是碳水化合物。就算減量後每次練習完也需要補充碳水化合物。班哲明指出:這就是肌肉儲存碳水化合物的時機。


賽事前一晚: 不要餓肚子
晚餐不是要吃大餐,但是要以碳水化合物為主。記得早點進食,這樣你才有足夠的時間消化。 班哲明提到:你希望賽事當天醒來時是感到飢餓的,而非前一晚的飽足感還存在。


賽事當天早: 吃早餐
起跑前三小時吃早餐。 班哲明提醒:攝取150克的碳水化合物,例如:貝果、優格、運動飲量和燕麥。如果是非常早的賽事,先提前三點起床吃早餐,然後再回去補眠。




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